Quick Facts
Berengar is a masculine name of some popularity among certain noble families during the Middle Ages, especially the Unruochings and those related. Bérenger is the French form and Berengario the Italian. The Latin form is Berengarius - compare the feminine equivalent, Berengaria. The name ultimately derived from Germanic roots meaning "bear" and "spear" (cf. Geir, Gerald).
Berengar of Toulouse
Berengar I of Neustria
Berengar II of Neustria
Berengar I of Italy
Berengar II of Italy
Berengar of Tours, theologian
Berengar, Bishop of Venosa
Henry Berengar, sometimes numbered as Henry VI
Juhel Berengar
Berenguer is the Catalan form of the name. Berenguier/Berengier is the Occitan.
Berenguier de Palazol
Berenguer d'Anoia
Berengier Trobel
Berenguer de Palou II, bishop of Barcelona
It's also a compound name with "Raymond" in the family of the counts of Barcelona and Provence.
Ramon Berenguer (disambiguation), multiple people
Berenguer Ramon (disambiguation), multiple people
Berenger, Bérenger, Bérangier, or Beringer may refer to:
Alphonse-Marie-Marcellin-Thomas Bérenger, French lawyer (1785–1866)
Berenger Fredoli, French bishop (c. 1250–1323)
Bérenger Saunière, French priest (1852–1917)
Beringer Vineyards
Casimiro Berenguer, the Puerto Rican Nationalist during the Ponce Massacre
Paul Bérenger, Mauritian politician (born 1945)
Tom Berenger, American actor (born 1949)
Henry Bérenger, French senator, 1912–45; ambassador to the United States, 1926-28.
Josep Renau Berenguer (1907-1982), Spanish artist
Bérenger, a character in the play Rhinoceros by Eugène Ionesco
Bearenger, a character in Tails Sky Patrol