Quick Facts
Basai is a village in Gurgaon Mandal in Gurgaon District in Haryana state in India. Basai is 4 km distance from its district main city Gurgaon and 282 km distance from its state main city Chandigarh. It has a population of about 20980 persons living in around 2195 households. Basai village is famed forBasai wetland home of endangered migrant birds, which is under threat from the unsustainable development and urbanization.
Other villages in Gurgaon Tehsil are Jharsa, Gadoli, Bajghera, Bamroli, Kadipur, Khandsa, Chakkarpur, Chandu, Daultabad and Dhanwapur.
Nearby villages of this village with distance are Dhankot (2.916 km) and Sohna (30 km).
Basai Pin Code is 122006 and Post office name is Basai. Other villages in (122006) are Basai and Gadoli.
Basai wetland
The Basai village is also the location of Basai wetland, recognised globally as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by the BirdLife International housing 20,000 birds of over 280 species including mogratory birds and endangered birds, has not yet been declared a protected wetland ny the Government of Haryana.