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Dharmesh Yelande
Also Viewed
Quick Facts
Intro | Indian dancer and choreographer | |
Places | India | |
is | Dancer Choreographer | |
Work field | Dancing | |
Gender |
| |
Birth | 31 October 1982, Vadodara | |
Age | 42 years |
Dharmesh Yelande (born October 31, 1983) is an Indian Dancer, Actor and Choreographer. He participated in Dance India Dance (season 2), Dance India Dance Li'l Masters, and Dance Ke Superstars, all of which aired on Zee TV. After his experience in these shows, he was hired by Farah Khan to choreograph the movie Tees Maar Khan. He has worked in the 3D dance-based Indian film ABCD - Anybody Can Dance and its sequel ABCD 2 with Shraddha Kapoor and Varun Dhawan directed by Remo D'souza and produced by UTV Motion Pictures. He runs his own dance academy in Vadodara (AKA Baroda) known as the D'virus Dance Academy.
Personal life
He is dating the beautiful starlet Breshna Khan, whose Bollywood dubsmashes are super sensation on the internet..
His inspiration for dance is Remo D’souza, according to his remarks in the DID audition, He says Remo Sir is also a mindblowing dancer. Whenever I meet him, it’s only dance that we discuss. He’s a person with such wonderful dance techniques that one is left simply wondering ‘Ki kya idea hai bhai…yeh step to dhoom macha dega,".
He has won on the dance show, Boogie Woogie (TV series) and was first runner-up on Dance India Dance (season 2). He starred in ABCD : AnyBody Can Dance, ABCD 2 and he choreographed for the movie Tees Maar Khan.
TV shows and appearances
Year | Show | Channel | Notes |
2007 | Airtel Krazzy Kiya Re | DD National | First runner-up. |
2008 | Boogie Woogie (TV series) Mahayudh | Sony Entertainment Television | Winner. |
2009–2010 | Dance India Dance (season 2) | Zee TV | He was the most popular and most voted contestant on the show. He came first runner-up in the grand finale. |
2010 | Dance India Dance Li'l Masters | Zee TV | The 'winning' skipper/choreographer on the show. His student, Jeetumoni, won the title of li'l masters — Dance ka Baap. |
2010 | Comedy ka Daily Soap | Sony Entertainment Television | Guest performance. |
2010 | Zee Rishtey Awards | Zee TV | Guest performance |
2010–2011 | DID Doubles | Zee TV | Assisted mentor Geeta Kapoor and choreographed some of the gems from the season. |
2011 | Dance Ke Superstars | Zee TV | Part of team Jalwa(DID Season 2) as a contestant and a choreographer. His team won the show. |
2011 | Dhamaal Night | Zee Cinema | Guest performance. |
2011 | Just Dance | Star Plus | He choreographed the final performance of Hrithik Roshan and some other performances in the show. |
2012 | Dance Ke Superkids | Zee TV | Captain of Wakao (Dance India Dance Li'l Masters season 1).. |
2013 | MAD - Mhanje Assal Dancer | Colors Marathi | One of the 3 judges of the show |
2015 | Dance Plus | Star Plus | Mentor |
2016-present | Dance Plus 2 | Star Plus | Mentor |
Film appearances
Year | Movie | Role | Notes |
2013 | ABCD : Any Body Can Dance | 'D' | Lead role with Prabhu Deva, Kay Kay Menon, Ganesh Acharya, Salman Yusuff Khan, Lauren Gottlieb. |
2015 | ABCD 2 | 'Dharmesh/D' | Lead role with Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor and Prabhu Deva, Lauren Gottlieb, Raghav Juyal. |
2016 | Banjo (2016 film) | 'Drumer' | with Riteish Deshmukh |
Film choreography
Year | Movie Name | Notes |
2010 | Tees Maar Khan | He choreographed the title song for Akshay Kumar. |