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Valentyna Kisil

Ukrainian weightlifter
The basics

Quick Facts

IntroUkrainian weightlifter
isAthlete Weightlifter
Work fieldSports
Birth5 July 1998
Age26 years
Star signCancer
The details


Valentyna Kisil (born 5 July 1998 in Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine) is a Ukrainian weightlifter. She won silver medal at the 2017 European Championships in Split, Croatia, and bronze medal at the 2023 Europeans in Yerevan, Armenia.

Major results

YearVenueWeightSnatch (kg)Clean & Jerk (kg)TotalRank
European Championships
2023 Yerevan, Armenia+87 kg1051081111261301334244
2022 Tirana, Albania87 kg100103103611311611672166
2021 Moscow, Russia87 kg1001041085117122122112218
2017 Split, Croatia90 kg105108110124127130240
The contents of this page are sourced from Wikipedia article on 04 May 2024. The contents are available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
h>23RankEuropean Championships2023 Yerevan, Armenia+87 kg10510811112613013342442022 Tirana, Albania87 kg1001031036113116116721662021 Moscow, Russia87 kg10010410851171221221122182017 Split, Croatia90 kg105108110124127130240
The contents of this page are sourced from Wikipedia article on 04 May 2024. The contents are available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
0 1.125 0.504 1.125 1.125s-0.504 1.125-1.125 1.125-1.125-0.504-1.125-1.125 0.504-1.125 1.125-1.125zM2 16c0-1.103 0.897-2 2-2 0.797 0 1.487 0.469 1.808 1.145-1.045 0.793-1.911 1.707-2.552 2.711-0.735-0.296-1.256-1.016-1.256-1.856zM16 29.625c-6.42 0-11.625-3.414-11.625-7.625s5.205-7.625 11.625-7.625c6.42 0 11.625 3.414 11.625 7.625s-5.205 7.625-11.625 7.625zM28.744 17.856c-0.641-1.003-1.507-1.918-2.552-2.711 0.321-0.676 1.011-1.145 1.808-1.145 1.103 0 2 0.897 2 2 0 0.84-0.52 1.56-1.256 1.856z"/> instagram whatsapp myspace quora soundcloud spotify tumblr vk website youtube pandora tunein iheart itunes