Angelo Marino
Quick Facts
Angelo Marino was born in Frattaminore (Napoli) April 30, 1956 is an Italian art dealer in virtual mode.
Angelo Marinohe was the first Italian gallery owner after 20 years to undertake a new project; from physical space (dirartecontemporanea) has turned into a virtual mode its gallery space (dirartecontemporanea 2.0).
Before 2012 he has organized exhibitions in public spaces: 2001 he was the promoter of the program about Seminar held at the Belvedere San Leucio Caserta, Scavare il futuro : nuovi spazi antichi /curated by Elmar Zorn and City of Caserta.
In the same year was the promoter and the installation curator at the Royal Palace of Caserta called Plus Ultra.
2003 Un anfiteatro per la Pace: stendardi d'artista(Carla Accardi, Arcangelo, Angelo Bellobono, Elisabetta Benassi, Dafni&Papadatos, Gianni Dessi',Francesco Impellizzeri, Jannis Kounellis, H.H. Lim, Mafonso, Luigi Mainolfi, Fabio Mauri, Sukran Moral, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Luigi Ontani, Giacomo Zaza) at piazza Dante in Caserta
and Il senso del male (The exhibition was conceived as a reflection on the particular historical moment we are living, and wants to ask a question about the meaning of evil. The war destinies cross to economic clashes, the dialectic between different civilizations', the great questions posed by the climatic changes, social changes. Exhibited the works of 15 artists). Chiostro di S. Agostino Caserta (2005)
From 2012 onwards he invited artists to create works to be set up on the walls of this new communication platform. A new way to experience contemporary art, without geographical and time limitations; a new protocol enhanced by video interviews and explanatory educational focus of the research work of all those involved.
He made his first exhibition in the network in 2012, Max Coppeta | visioni transitorie - works 2001.2012and she has accompanied every exhibition network with virtual catalogs.
Exposures that created the network are addressed above all to the side effects occurred as a result Global era. No coincidence that in 2013 carries on its new platform Independent Web-Pavilion of the Indigenous Tribes of the Amazon Basin as a tribute to the tribes of Indians not contaminated by Globality.
and 2nd Independent Web Pavilion | HUMANITY, BETRAYED & TRAITORSshows the platform on the theory of Betrayed (From 1901 until today has been awarded to the persons and / or institutions perhaps the most important and noble of awards: the Nobel Peace Prize. 128 to 2014 and all were BETRAYED).
In 2016 he created the D2.0-boxas a physical medium to the online gallery, a physical space with a huge screen where you can meet physically to see and discuss online exhibitions.
Friend and mentor of the leading artists of Campania(Antonio Biasiucci, Nino Longobardi, Mafonso, Piero Chiariello, Arturo Casanova, Luigi Auriemma, Bruno Fermariello, Gloria pastore, Mariano Filippetta....). He realized in 2016 the exhibition Friends
- Max Coppeta | visioni transitorie - works 2001.2012
- Mariano Filippetta | Le mie voglie col BLU
- Independent Web-Pavilion of the Indigenous Tribes of the Amazon Basin
- Mafonso | di_segni works 2013
- Piero Chiariello | Natura Digitale
- Claudia Jares | My Long Play
- 2nd Independent Web Pavilion | HUMANITY, BETRAYED & TRAITORS
- Mariano Filippetta | Il grande mare della notte