Aleksandr Sytin
Quick Facts
Aleksandr Nikolayvich Sytin (Russian: Александр Николаевич Сытин; born 11 May 1958 in Moscow) is a Russian political scientist and historian.
Early life and education
Sytin graduated 1982 from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State University. He received the degree of Candidate of Historic Sciences in 1986, after defending his dissertation on "Diplomatic relations during the Napoleonic Wars". In 2011 he became Doctor of Historic Sciences. His dissertation analyzed Russian-Baltic relations in the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century.
1975-1987 he worked in the State Historical Museum. He was never a member of the Communist Party and didn't serve in Soviet nor Russian Army. 1987-1993 he taught Russian and Soviet history in the Moscow State Art and Cultural University. Since 1993 he worked in the private sector. 1997-2003 he was the head of a section and project manager in Yukos.
2004 he became a senior researcher in the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
(RISS). 2012 he became the head of the Baltic and CIS sector and the deputy of the "Centre of Near Abroad". In October 2014 was dismissed from his post for criticizing military intervention in Ukraine. After that he became the head of the "North&Eastern Europe Research Political Center".He is the author of more than 50 articles about Germany, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine and Belarus, problems in international relations and history of the Baltic States.
- Russian Think Tank That Pushed for Invasion of Ukraine Wants Moscow to Overthrow Lukashenka, by: Paul Goble, Eurasia Daily Monitor, Volume: 12 Issue: 16, January 27, 2015
Selected publications
- Европейский и евразийский союз: Столкновение интеграций// «Восточноукраинский конфликт в контексте глобальных трансформаций»/ Украинский институт глобального развития и адаптации. Сб. научных трудов. Киев, 2015. с.8-32. Интернет версия://
- Анатомия провала: О механизме принятия внешнеполитических решений Кремля// Консервативный центр Номос.// 4 января 2015
- Страны Балтии на пути к независимости: от единого народнохозяйственного комплекса к рыночной экономике европейского типа// Страны Балтии в оставе СССР: от постсталинизма до перестройки 1953—1990. Институт истории Латвии Латвийского университета. Рига, 2014
- Предместье Европы?// Свободная мысль № 1(1643) 2014. с.35-52
- Экономика стран Балтии на путях выхода из кризиса// Проблемы национальной стратегии № 1. 2013. с.135-152
- Страны Балтии в конце ХХ — начале ХХI вв. Внутренняя и внешняя политика. Osnabruk, 2012
- Белорусский акцент в политике стран Балтии// Политика ЕС по отношению к союзному государству. Минск. 2012
- Очерки по истории стран Балтии начала XXI в. М.,2010
- Россия, Восточная Европа и энергетическая независимость// Свободная мысль № 2(1597) 2009. с 799—110
- Проблемы истории стран Балтии и их взаимоотношений с Россией конец 80-х — начало 90-х годов ХХ в. М.,2009