Quick Facts
Alberto de Hoyos Maso (pen name Albertoyos) is a Spanish illustrator. Born in Madrid on April 7, 1969, he illustrates children's literature and young adult fiction, school books, comic books, advertising material and press.
Alberto de Hoyos started as an amateur comic artist in the mid-eighties, and published his work in independent and alternative Spanish comic magazines in the nineties.
After majoring in Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he began his career as a professional illustrator and designer. His versatile style enables him to work for all ages and in a variety of fields, such as press, advertising, children's and teenager's literature, and also school textbooks.
He develops his most interesting work in children's literature and young adult fiction, where he uses mixed techniques by applying digital technology, combining pencil, paint, engraving, watercolor and collage. He illustrates and designs book, cover art and collections for various publishing companies: Pearson International, Bayard, Oxford University Press, Editorial San Pablo (Spain), Edelvives (Spain).
As for press, he collaborates as illustrator and cover page artist for Spanish newspapers and magazines: ABC, Blanco y Negro, Nuevo Trabajo, Guía de Madrid...
As a school textbook illustrator he has worked for many publishers, both Spanish (Edelvives, Santillana, Anaya, Bruño, ESC, Almadraba, Richmond...) and international (Macmillan, Oxford University Press, Pearson Education, Kumon, Disney...). His work includes all school levels, from children's education up to high school. He has also illustrated the Spanish edition of Strawberry Shortcake (American Greetings) for editorial Bruño.
- As comic-book artist
- 1990 Puta Vestruz on TMEO
- 1992 Jopé (on Conciencia Planetaria, Editorial Heptada).
- 1993 Antón Gris, Ya Ves Truz (on Paté de Marrano).
- As illustrator
- 1996 Baldomero el pistolero y los indios gordinflones. Juan Muñoz Martín. (Edelvives, Spain)
- 1998 ¡Ahí va una estrella! Albertoyos. (Edelvives, Spain)
- 2002 El coco. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2004 La elefanta Marta. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2004 La primavera Ester. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2004 Clotilde, la fábrica de chocolate. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2005 La luna Viky. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2005 Un regalo para Kiko. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2005 Yuri, el pincel. Luisa Villar. (Pearson)
- 2005 La isla del tesoro. Stevenson. (Editorial Aralia XXI, Spain)
- 2006 Gork y Bemba, polizones. Josep Lorman. (Pearson)
- 2010 El planeta Piruleta. Juan Carlos Chandro. (Bayard)
- 2011 Dan y el cometiempo. Paloma Sánchez (Editorial San Pablo, Spain)