Quick Facts
Personal profile
Born in 1898 in a family of Indian province Utter Pradesh, genealogical relationship with the first Muslim Khalifa of Muhammad, Syedna Abu Bakr. Acquired preliminary education at home and completed books on Hadith (Traditions & Practices of Muhammad), Fiqah (the Islamic Jurisprudence) and other religious books during his English medium schooling under the mentorship of his grandfather, Moulvi Kazim Hussain.
Hai graduated from Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh Muslim University in 1923. Later, he qualified for LLB degree from Lucknow University in 1926. He adopted law profession and started practice from Ilahabad High Court. Later on respecting the wish of his mentor and spiritual counselor (Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanwi), he left the legal profession and started Homeopathic medical practice which lasted till his death in 1986, at Karachi.
Disciple of Hakim-ul-Ummat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
The first formal acquaintance with Hakim-ul-Ummat Ashraf Ali Thanwi was made in 1917, then he became a formal disciple in 1927.
Molana Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hai remained associated with his mentor till his mentor’s death in 1943.
Style of preaching
Molana Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hai Mistry has devoted himself for the preaching and spreading the true faith with practical adaptation of Islam.
His mild and hearty speeches caused a revolution in the inner soul of thousands of peoples.
On 27 March 1986, he died after a short ailment and was buried in the graveyard of Dar-ul-Uloom Karachi beside the grave of his friend and companion Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani.
Literary work
Molana Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hai was a writer and he produced a number of literary works in the form of religious books and books on medicine. The compilation of traditions and teachings of Muhammad in the name of ‘Uswa Rasool-e-Akram’ (translated in 10 languages) gained world wide popularity and has been accepted with great reverence. Since he had great regard for his mentor and spiritual leader Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, he wrote a number of books in order to forward the teachings of his mentor to the new generation. These books has been written by following modern diction and fine literary style and therefore, proved to be a substantial addition in Urdu literature also.
1. Uswa-e-Rasool e Akram – Salallaho Alaihey Wa Sallam. A collection of selected Hadith and had been translated into 10 prominent languages so far. It is a handbook providing guidance for day-to-day issues of a Muslim’s life in the light of Hadith & Sunnah. 2. Ihkam e Mayyit Detailed rulings of matters related to terminal illness, death, burrieal etc. as per Hanafi fiqah. Reviewed and authenticated by Mufti Rafi Usmani. 3. Maasir e Hakimul Ummat This is a biography of Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi with special emphasis to his manners and lifestyle. 4. Basair e Hakimul Ummat This is a text book of tasawwaf. It is a compilation of extracts from the work of Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. 5. Ma’arif e Hakimul Ummat A compilation from the speeches of Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. 6. Jawahir e Hakimul Ummat A selection of the speeches of Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. 7. Irshadat e Hakimul Ummat (Islahul Muslimeen) A compilation from Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi’s teachings especially related to implementing Islam in contemporary society. 8. Fihrist Talefat e Hakimul Ummat A detail list of all the 1072 publications (including 300 sermons also) of Hakim-ul-Ummat and Mujaddid-ul-Millat Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. 9. Ma’amoolat e Yomia Wa Mukhtasar Nisab e Islah A daily program and a concise syllabus for reformation. 10. Sehba e Sukhan (Poetry) A Poetic collection contains both Persian and Urdu poetry of a monotheistic philosophical nature.