48 people found
People in Category: Converts to Quakerism
Harold Sumption
Fundraising innovator
John Easton
UK author whose experiences of active service during World War One were reflected in Three Personal Records of the War (1929) with R H Mottram and Eric Part
Robert Barclay
Canadian filmmaker
Thomas Holme
(d.1406) of York
Christopher Harrison
Jan Claus
Christopher Fry
Robert Barclay
person associated with the witch trials in Scotland
Kees Boeke
Mary Penington
Early member of Religious Society of Friends
Hester Biddle
English Quaker
John Stubbs
Stubbs, John , Quaker minister
Alice Curwen
English Quaker missionary
Mary Fisher
Thomas Goodaire
English Quaker leader
Susanna Freeborn
17th and 18th-century Quaker minister
Mary Howgill
Sarah Blackborow
Quaker polemicist
Barbara Blaugdone
Quaker preacher
William Ames
English itinerant Quaker preacher and writer
Mary Mollineux
English writer
William Yardley
Quaker minister
William Dewsbury
English minister
William Coddington
Rhode Island colonial governor
William Caton
Early English Quaker itinerant preacher and writer
Thomas Lloyd
Lieutenant-governor of provincial Pennsylvania and Quaker preacher
Thomas Lawson
English botanist and Quaker
Thomas Ayrey
Early member:Society of Friends and one of the Valiant Sixty
Sharman Apt Russell
American writer
Richard Farnsworth
English Quaker
Philip Sherman
American colonial settler
John Whitehead
English physician
John Easton
Rhode Island colonial governor
John Burnyeat
British Quaker writer
John Bowne
American activist
Jan Claus
Dutch Quaker leader
Henry Fell
Quaker missionary and writer
Henry Bull
Rhode Island colonial governor
George Whitehead
English Quaker preacher and author
Edward Burrough
English preacher and missionary