542 people found
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Pierre Binétruy
Physicien français
Jose Luis Mateos
Usha Kulshreshtha
Indian theoretical physicist
Valentin Klimov
Russian theoretical physicist and mathematician
Samarendra Nath Biswas
Indian theoretical physicist
Sudhir Ranjan Jain
Indian theoretical physicist
Bogdan Dobrescu
Clare Burrage
British particle physicist
Shahriar Afshar
Iranian-American physicist
Walter Gordon
German physicist
Kurt Binder
Austrian physicist
Gregor Wentzel
German physicist
Herbert Wagner
German physicist
Gurgen Sahakyan
Soviet physicist
Petr Hořava
Czech physicist
Daniel Z. Freedman
American physicist
Marcos Moshinsky
Mexican physicist
Roland Avagyan
Armenian physicist
Karen Ter-Martirosian
Armenian theoretical physicist
Dmitri Mogilevtsev
Belarusian physicist
Alan Kostelecký
American physicist
Gabriele Rabel
Austrian physicist and botanist
Yevgeny Avrorin
Russian theoretical physicist
Winston H. Bostick
American Physicist
George B. Arfken
American physicist
Kim Jihn Eui
Korean Physicist
Howard Carmichael
New Zealand physicist
Ned Wingreen
John Clements Collins
British physicist
Mikhail I. Katsnelson
Russian and Dutch physicist
Lock Yue Chew
Singaporean physicist
Yigal Meir
Condensed Matter Physicist
Ana Achucarro
Theoretical physiciast, professor of astroparticle physics and quantum field theory
Holger Bech Nielsen
Danish physicist
Anatole Abragam
French physicist
Rainer Walter Kühne
German theoretical physicist
Nilendra Ganesh Deshpande
American theoretical physicist
Matthew Kleban
American theoretical physicist
Andriy Lastovetsky
Ukrainian physicist and theoretical physicist