123 people found
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Laurent Ruquier
French tv and radio host, tv and theatre producer, and satirical comedian
Jon Stephensen
Danish journalist
József Gedeon
Hungarian theatre manager
Jan Bratkowski
Polish actor, director
Jean-Luc Choplin
French theatrical producer
Mario Azzopardi
Maltese poet and writer
Norbert Schwarz
German actor
Helmut Straßburger
German actor
Jo Dekmine
Gary Austin
American theatre director
Béla Éless
Hungarian actor
Philippe Berling
Elek Tibor
irodalomtörténész, kritikus, főszerkesztő, író, színigazgató
Demeter Marczis
opera singer
Sándor Beke
Szlovákiai magyar rendező, színházigazgató
Hunor Bucz
Hungarian director, theatre manager and teacher
Boris Mezdrich
советский и российский деятель культуры, театральный менеджер
Guy Lauzin
Michael Meschke
Swedish actor
Yazi Dogo
Nigerien actor, playwright and theatre manager
Anatoliy Ponomarenko
Opera singer
Heikki Kujanpää
Finnish actor, director, screenwriter and theatre manager
Bernard Gilbert
Quebec novelist
Aleksey Malobrodsky
��оветский и российский деятель культуры, театральный менеджер и продюсер
Jeremy Sams
British theatre director, writer, translator, orchestrator, musical director, film composer, and lyricist
Edy Saiovici
Kurt Nylander
Swedish theatre manager
Victor Ioan Frunza
Romanian stage director
Vladimir Urin
Russian theatre manager
Pascal Keiser
Kari Selinheimo
Finnish theater manager and theatrical director
Fadhel Jaibi
Tunisian film director
Jean Digne
French museum president
Stephen Barry
British theatre manager
József Kovács
Opera vocalist
Christian Stratmann
German theatre manager
Bertil Hertzberg
Svensk fotograf
Mihai Dinvale
Romanian actor and theatre director
Lajos Vass
Hungarian politician and theatre manager
Ingolf Huhn
German theatre manager