137 people found
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Jairo Quiroz Delgado
Kolumbischer Gewerkschaftssekretär
Robert N. McMurry
American social psychologist and author
Giuseppe Gemellaro
Italian priest and psychologist
Charles Teddlie
American social psychologist and paedagogue
Harry Ingham
Social psychologist
Joseph Luft
Social psychologist
Andreas Ploeger
Deutscher Hochschullehrer und Direktor der Klinik für Medizinische Psychologie am Universitätsklinikum Aachen
Guy E. Swanson
American sociologist
Clay Routledge
Professor and psychological scientist at North Dakota State University
Alexander Nikendei
Antonius Jan Nederhof
Reginald B. Adams
Maykel Verkuyten
Neil J. Kressel
Francis C. Dane
Pascal Marchand
Brian Nosek
American social psychologist
Peter Schnur
Jeffrey Haskell Goldstein
Clint Fink
American social psychologist
Ken Rigby
Rolf H. Bay
Albert H. Hastorf
Richard M. Sorrentino
David Diekema
Professor of sociology
Matthew Hall
Kurt James Gray
Adam Burke
Louk Hagendoorn
Larry Dressler
Rupert Brown
Kai J. Jonas
Frank J. Robertz
C. Nathan DeWall
Charles Antaki
Viren Swami
Louis Elkin Davis
Gary W. Wood
David M. Saunders
Philip L. Pearce
Australian tourism researcher