1,118 people found
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Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist known as the founding father of psychoanalysis
Wilhelm Reich
Austro-Hungarian-born Austrian-American psychoanalyst
Mihai Ralea
Romanian social scientist
William Halse Rivers Rivers
English anthropologist, neurologist, ethnologist and psychiatrist
John Dewey
American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer
Carl Jung
Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist who founded analytical psychology
Karl Pearson
English mathematician and biometrician
Ola Raknes
Norwegian psychologist
N. Porsenna
Romanian lawyer, writer and publisher
Maria Montessori
Italian pedagogue, philosopher and physician
Alfred Adler
Medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, personality theorist
Norman Vincent Peale
American writer
Otto Rank
Austrian psychologist
Sabina Spielrein
Russian physician and one of the first female psychoanalysts
Jean Piaget
Swiss psychologist, biologist, logician, philosopher & academic
Immanuel Velikovsky
Russian psychiatrist
Magnus Hirschfeld
German physician and sexologist
Hugo Münsterberg
German-American psychologist, philosopher and agitator
Princess Marie Bonaparte
French author and psychoanalyst
Volf Solomonovitsj Merlin
Soviet psychologist (1898-1982)
Edward Thorndike
American psychologist
Edwin Boring
American psychologist
Lev Vygotsky
Soviet Belarusian psychologist
Alfred Kinsey
American scientist
John B. Watson
American psychologist
Émile Coué
French psychologist and pharmacist
Eugen Relgis
Romanian academic
D. T. Suzuki
Japanese author, philosopher
Winthrop Kellogg
American comparative psychologist
A. S. Neill
Scottish educator and theorist
Helen Thompson Woolley
American psychologist
Hans Blüher
German journalist, writer and philosopher
Joseph Jastrow
American psychologist
George M. Stratton
American psychologist
Mary Whiton Calkins
Philosopher; psychologist; first woman to become president of the American Psychological Association
Wilfred Bion
British psychoanalyst & psychiatrist
Havelock Ellis
British physician, writer, and social reformer
Kurt Lewin
German-American psychologist
Benjamin D. Wood
American psychologist
Leta Stetter Hollingworth
American psychologist