125 people found
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John Mathews
Indian theologian and Metropolitan of the Indian (Malankara) Orthodox Church
Kirill III of Kiev
Russian bishop
Chrysostomos Tsiter
Sawa (Rajewski)
orthodoxer Metropolit von Galizien
Amwrosij Paraschkewow
Bulgarian metropolitan bishop
Maxime Pothos
Greek Orthodox priest
Kyrill I.
wahrscheinlich Metropolit von Kiew (1050)
Dimitrios Panagiannousis
Greek metropolitan bishop
Panteleimon Kathreptidis
Metropolitan bishop of Koroneia, Greece
Bulgarian metropolitan bishop
Dietrich I of Meissen
Bischof von Meißen
Hugbert of Meissen
Bischof von Meißen
Reiner of Meissen
Bischof von Meißen
Silouan Oner
orthodox metropolitan
Juwenali von Kursk
Russian metropolitan bishop (1929-2013)
Joannice de Moscou
Russian metropolitan bishop (1826-1900)
Nicolae Corneanu
Romanian bishop
Joseph Michael Schmondiuk
Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church
Damaskinos Stouditis
Patriarchal exarch of Aitolia
Joseph II de Moscou
Simion Movilă
Prince of Moldavia
Stephen Orbelian
Armenian historian
Ephram II of Jerusalem
Russian metropolitan bishop
Joseph W. Kirwan
Irish priest and educator
Samuel Matheson
Canadian bishop
David of Basra
Constantine Bohachevsky
Ukrainian Greek Catholic archbishop
Gennadius of Veles
Bulgarischer Geistlicher, Metropolit von Veles der bulgarisch-orthodoxen Kirche
John (Ivanov) of Varna
Bulgarian bishop of Bulgarian Orthodox Church
Dionysios İsa Gürbüz
Turkish archbishop, monk and metropolitan bishop
Early Christian author
Gabriel of Thessaloniki
Joseph of Kumanovo and Osogovo
Macedonian bishop
José de Jesús María Uriarte y Pérez
Mexican metropolitan bishop
Michel de Kiev
Stefan Tolios
Митрополит Филипский
Gregory (Stefanov)
Йорго Иванов Стефанов