125 people found
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Herman Melville
American writer and poet
Daniel Pratt
American eccentric
Robert Green Ingersoll
American lawyer, orator, and politician
Joseph Cook
American lecturer
Ellis A. Davidson
British art writer and lecturer
Antoinette Brown Blackwell
American minister
George Dawson (preacher)
English nonconformist preacher, lecturer and activist
Sara Jane Crafts
American author, teacher, lecturer
Lyman Abbott
Theologian, editor, author
James Jefferis
Congregational minister, lecturer and journalist
Caroline Healey Dall
American feminist writer, transcendentalist and reformer
Elizabeth Boynton Harbert
American author, lecturer, reformer and philanthropist
Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson Dickens
Lecturer on his father, Victorian-era novelist Charles Dickens
Fanny Purdy Palmer
American author, poet, journalist, lecturer, social activist, clubwoman
Cora L. V. Scott
American spiritualist, writer
Russen Vincent
����удожник, педагог, переводчик, автор литографий и рисунков видов и историко-архитектурных памятников Крыма
Julia Keese Colles
American historian and writer
Frederic Henry Hedge
United States Unitarian minister, scholar and author
Edward L. Youmans
United States science writer and editor
John Wieting
American philanthropist
Nancy H. Adsit
American art lecturer, art educator, writer
Emma Barrett Molloy
Journalist, lecturer, and temperance activist
Mary Nichols
American campaigner for medical innovation, marriage reform, and women's rights
Rebecca Richardson Joslin
American author, lecturer, benefactor, clubwoman
Freeman B. Dowd
Amerikai író, misztikus
Robert Buchanan
Scottish socialist
Eliza Archard Conner
American journalist, lecturer, feminist
Mary Jane Aldrich
US-American temperance reformer, lecturer, essayist
Tadeusz Gorecki
Polish painter
Aubertine Woodward Moore
American music critic and lecturer
K. G. Göös
Finnish lecturer, politician and businessperson
Kate Field
American journalist
Mavro Sachs
William West Grant
American surgeon, Surgeon General of Colorado
Mary Stuart James MacMurphy
American teacher, lecturer, and clubwoman
Sara Jane Lippincott
American writer
Konstantin Kemarskiy
Pyotr Aleksandrov
Charles Clark
English Baptist minister and lecturer
Charles Lenox Remond
American abolitionist, lecturer and civil rights activist