223 people found
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Gotthard Schlechtiger
Gabriel de Tournes
Ephraim Gottlob Eichsfeld
Johann Heinrich Grosch
Christian Fincelius
Jakob von Wesel
Guillaume Machuel
Pierre Machuel
Robert Machuel
Jean Oursel
Catherine Machuel
Jean Oursel
Philibert Perachon
Jean-Baptiste Besongne
Johann Christoph Hartman
German bookseller and publisher
Friedrich Knoch
Michael Hartmann
Georg Lehmann
Johann Rudolf Ziegler
Johann Riedel
Johann Georg Zilliger
Nikolaus Schill
Giovanni Zempel
Johann Rudolf Thurneysen
Johann Jacob Bischoff
Pieter de Coup
Dutch publisher and bookseller
Georg Christoph Weber
Johann Adam Jung
Christian Gottlieb Ludwig
David Richter
Publisher and bookseller
Andreas Otto
Johann Grunert
Johann Reinhold I. Dulssecker
Pierre Gosse
Publisher established in The Hague