4,723 people found
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Last Emperor of Qing dynasty and Manchukuo
Benjamin Cordt
��країнський історик, бібліотекар, історик, бібліограф, бібліотекознавець, викладач, історико-картограф, археограф, джерелознавець, літературознавець, архівіст
Radu Rosetti
Romanian politician, historian and novelist
Chinese philosopher, author of the Tao Te Ching
John Treloar
Australian archivist
Harry Everett Smith
American archivist
Robert Barclay
Scottish statistician, noted as a scholar of Orkney
Herman Vandenburg Ames
American author and academic
Malcolm Neesam
English historian and writer
Stephan Hanna Stephan
Palestinian writer and radio broadcaster
Tuvia Friling
Israeli historian
Jerry Bails
Popular culturist
Henrik Wergeland
Norwegian writer
Henry Lincoln Johnson, Sr.
African-American lawyer
G. S. Gabaev
Militair uit Keizerrijk Rusland (1877-1956)
Michael Utecht
German non-fiction author and former head of the Peine city archive
Alexander Vitalievich Bertash
Priest, architectural historian, archivist, journalist
Julien Rouquette
French priest
Gustave Macon
French archivist
Kent Haworth
Canadian archivist
Theodore Frelinghuysen Dwight
American librarian, archivist, and diplomat
Adrian Cunningham
Australian archivist
Arturo Iglesias Ortega
Spanish historian
Epifanio de los Santos
Philippine historial and journalist
Mikhail Zelenov
��оссийский историк, архивист, археограф.
John Wallis
English mathematician
David Sutton
British archival researcher, recipient of a Benson Medal
Bruce A. Bailey
English author, architectural historian
Wilfried Reininghaus
German historian and archivist
Ernest Roschach
French archivist, historian, sigillography and museologist
Emmett Leahy
American archivist and entrepreneur
Georges Tholin
French archivist
Jason Scott
American historian of technology
Ernest Mateu i Vidal
François-Noël Babeuf
French political agitator and journalist
Roman Rosdolsky
Marxian scholar and political revolutionary
Mila Rechcigl
American researcher
Thomas McAdory Owen
American lawyer, author, and historian
William David McCain
American academic
Léonce Celier
French librarian