43 people found
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Masahiko Matsuo

Daryle Singletary
American singer

Ivan Velinov

Rena Lotaryova
Russian architect

Kamal al-Hadithi
Iraqi poet and journalist

Heinz Rudolf Unger
Austrian screenwriter and author

Willkit Greuèl
German actor

Myriam Tanant
French playwright and theatre director

Andrei Timuș

Alexander B. Morrison
Mormon bishop

Gerald Reaven
American endocrinologist and professor

Hans Josef Wieling
German Jurist and Legal Historian

Rolf Umbach
German theologian and writer

Darius Botha

Aleksandr Kopeliovitch
Físicu ucraín (1944–2018)

Michael Cohen
American scientist and doctor

Ilye Figler
Chess player

Marion Feigl

Weems Oliver Baskin, III
American politician

Brahim El Gharbi
Tunisian physician

Giuseppe Galasso
Italian historian, journalist and politician

Gülarə Cabbarlı

Gilbert Klaperman
New York rabbi

Bernhard Wittek
German historian, press officer and cultural manager

Marcel Franckson
Médecin, chercheur et résistant belge

Martin van der Borgh
Dutch cyclist

Oktavian Schmucki

Micheline Lerner

Vinko Blatnik

Lee Kwanchul
South Korean Go player

Dave Clark

Mogau Tshehla
Association football player

Nancy Marcus
American biologist and college administrator

Shigeki Kawatani
Japanese philosopher

Zoltán Réti
Hongaars kunstschilder (1923-2018)

Józef Podstawka

Dorka Nieradzik

Dmitriy Solovev

Laure Pellicer