62 people found
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George Barasch
American union leader

Ernest Leb
componist uit Israël

Zafar Futehally
Indian naturalist and conservationist

Domenico Raffaello Lombardi
Italian politician

Susanne Düllmann
German actress

Aleksandr Soldatenkov

Denis Perera
Sri Lankan general and diplomat

Jean Bethke Elshtain
American ethicist, political philosopher, and public intellectual

Raymond Delisle
Road bicycle racer

Maung Wuntha
Myanmar journalist and author

Francis Joseph Charles O'Reilly
Irish businessman, banker; 23rd Chancellor of University of Dublin

Josefina Piquet i Ibáñez

Rolf Meyn
German graphic designer

Đinh Đăng Định

David Howard
English ballet dancer and teacher

Rudolf Lappe

Bob Bignall
Australian Association Football player

Rubem David Azulay
Brazilian physician

Pille Kangur
Estonian composer

Thord Bylund
Svensk arkivarie

Comrade Alipio
Commander Peruvian Shining Path guerrilla movement

Matthew Kaufman
English geneticist

Hidetsune Takamatsu
Japanese baseball player (1948-2013)

Takashi Hata
Japanese novelist

Eliza Gerner
Actor (1920-2013)

Heinrich Gewandt
German politician

Lamberto Puggelli
Italian stage and opera director

Penelope Casas
American food writer

Claire Mackay
Canadian children's writer

Werner Kaiser
German egyptologist

Shirley Herz
American theatrical press agent

Gianni Rocca
Olympic sprinter

Henry Polic II
American actor

Alicia Tyler
American pornographic actress

Konstantin Sudakov

Nello Ajello
Italian journalist

Laura Jacquelin Coggin
American Vietnam War veteran

Mark Sagato

Heigorina Cunha

İsmail Koçman
Turkish general