23 people found
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John Wallace Crawford
American scout and poet

F. Dyrlund
Danish philologist

Carl Johan Rosenqvist
Svensk trädgårdsmästare

Joseph Poirier
Canadian politician (1839-1917)

Calvin Butler Hulbert
American College President

Marie Schouwbroeck

Pelagie Seghers

Yakov Kovalskiy

Julian Pallua-Gall
k. k. Hauptmann im Kriegsarchiv (1904)

Theodore Newton Barnsdall
American oil and mining operator

George E. Stoddard
Prominent businessman

William Eaton
Scottish-Australian master mariner

Antun Gjivoje
Roman-catholic bishop

Riccardo Friedl
A Spalato, in Dalmazia, il 16 sett. 1847 da Antonio; di setticemia il 27 febbr. 1917 a Firenze per la degenerazione

Franz London
German mathematician

Arthur Hughes de Wind

Henry Stephen Augustus Paston-Bedingfeld

Josef Jirousek
Czech member of czech council and entrepreneur

Johan Edvard Heikel

Robert Fletcher
British archdeacon

Emilia Mariani

Riccardo Restano
Italian soldier

János Jung
Váci segédpüspök
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