2,778 people found
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Auguste-Henri Jacob
George Howard Darwin
English astronomer, mathematician
Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria
Ruler of Bavaria
Primitivo González del Alba
Spanish jurist
Qing dynasty politician
Princess Marie of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Romanian salon-holder
William Gibson
PERSON: William Gibson (1838-1913)
Chinese writer
Joe Wilson
Australian cricketer
Whitelaw Reid
American journalist, diplomat and historian
Grigore Mithridate Buiucliu
Joseph Lyman Silsbee
American architect
John Dartnell
Commandant of the Natal Mounted Police
Herman Silver
American politician
Julia C. R. Dorr
American writer
Charles Swainson
Cleric, naturalist and author
Émile Lemoine
French mathematician and civil engineer.
Joseph Eiboeck
German American newspaper editor
Ivan Izmirliev
Bulgarian teacher
Robert Murray
American surgeon general of the Army
Thomas Charles Scanlen
Prime Minister of the Cape Colony
John Boydell
British painter
Charles Jones (architect)
Ealing's first architect, engineer and surveyor
George W. McClusky
Headed NYPD Detective Bureau from 1897–1900 and 1902-1905; credited for the arrests of confidence man John McDermott and murderer Roland B. Molineux.
John Dodsley Webster
English architect
Mikhail Tolstoy
Swiss military officer
Pyotr Poletika
Nikolay Beloborodov
Jean-Baptiste Rouvière
French catholic priest
Eugène Halphen
French historian
Caroline Shawk Brooks
American sculptor
James Harvey Miner
19th century American politician
V. B. Banjkowski
Russian ornithologist
Ernst Mischler
österreichischer Jurist und Statistiker
James Otis Kaler
Journalist, children's writer, educator
Aristidis Rainek
Greek soldier
Thomas Williams
British Christadelphian
Henry Buehman
American photographer and politician
Armand d'Artois
French writer
Gertrude Sans Souci
Musical artist