151 people found
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Francesco Capuano Di Manfredonia
Astronomer from Italy

Mathaeos Kamariotis
Greek scholar

Tideo Acciarini
Italian renaissance humanist

Gabriel Mälesskircher
German painter

Giovanni Francesco del Balzo

Matthaios Kamariotis
Byzantine scholar

Tilman von Hachenburg

Hermann Slupwachter
German jurist

Giovanni Tornabuoni
Florentine merchant and banker

William Smyth
English Gothic architect

Sébastien Mamerot
French writer

George Leslie, 1st Earl of Rothes
Scottish nobleman

Dafydd Gorlech
Welsh poet

David Lindsay, 2nd Lord Lindsay
Scottish lord of parliament

Blaise Magyar
Hungarian military leader

Pedro Tafur
Spanish explorer and writer

Sigmund Rot
Schweizer Buchdrucker

Yaqub bin Uzun Hasan
Azeri nyelven alkotó oszmán költő

Anna of Bielsk

Alexander Mornauer
Stadtschreiber in Landshut

Hugold von Schleinitz
Sächsischer Beamter

William Boolde
English Benedictine monk

Arend De Keysere
Flemish printer

Ottilie von of
��btissin zu Pforzheim

Luke Spicola of Pontecorvo
Italian Catholic priest

Martino Filetico
Umanista, grecista e letterato italiano

Alan|William Singleton, of the Tower
1435 - 1490

Grace Singleton
1461 - 1490

Pieter van Hénin

Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 3rd Lord of Cañete
Spanish general and noble

Magnús Eyjólfsson

Borghese Borghese

William Dunthorn
Common clerk of London

Paulus Pompilius

Francesco Dal Pozzo
Author (-1490)

Hugues de Chalon

Gian Galeazzo Fregoso
Italian politician

Guillelmus Textoris
German professor and author

Alain Goyon
Lord of Villiers, Thieuville and Mesnilgarnier

Master of the Münster Death of Saint Nicholas
Lower Rhine painter