144 people found
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Dominicus Gundissalinus
Spanish philosopher
Anséric II. von Montréal
Former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli
Reginald of Durham
Benedictine monk and hagiologist
Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester
English noble
Jean de Vaunoise
Henry I, Count of Tyrol
Count of Tyrol
Martin von Meißen
Stephen I, Count of Sancerre
Count of Sancerre
Adam I de Beaumont
Lope Ferrench de Luna
IV Lord of Luna
Everard of Ypres
Hallur Hrafnsson
William of Northall
Bishop of Worcester
Elger, Graf von Bilstein, Ilfeld & Honstein
- 28 Feb 1190
Dalmace de Semur, seigneur de Luzy
Wen Yuan
Gobert V, Sire d'Aspremont
- 26 Nov 1190
Baudouin des Roches
1130 - 1191
Bonizone di Sutri
Italian catholic bishop
Danish priest
Adelog of Hildesheim
Bishop of Hildesheim
Alan I de la Zouche
William de Northall
Roman-catholic bishop
Diepold von Berg
Roman-catholic bishop
Rodrigo de Cascante
Roman-catholic bishop
Gottfried von Spitzenberg-Helfenstein
Roman-catholic bishop
Huang Shi
Song dynasty person CBDB=5210
Guido III. von Châtillon
Herr von Châtillon, Troissy, Montjay und Crécy
John II, Count of Alençon
French aristocrat
Astorg de Canillac
Prélat catholique
Robert I. de Boves
Herr von Boves
Guillaume Burel
Prélat catholique
Arnold von Berg
Lothaire von Sachsen
Giovanna del Monferrato
Peerage person ID=102392
Erik Sigurdsson
Peerage person ID=113010
Asa (?)
Peerage person ID=113011
Depolt II of Bohemia
Peerage person ID=113930