44 people found
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Uroš II of Rascia
Grand Prince of Serbia

Ibn Zuhr
Arab Muslim scholar

Portuguese saint

Bernard IV of Anduze

Viacheslava of Novgorod
Polish queen consort

Gilbert de Lacy
Norman nobleman

Hugh de Morville, Lord of Cunningham
Norman knight

Sylvester of Marsico
Norman noble

Angharad ferch Owain
Wife of Gruffudd ap Cynan

Zhao Shi
Zhao shen d1

Adalbert of Pomerania
Roman Catholic bishop

Odo of Deuil
Historian and participant of the Second Crusade

Pfalzgraf von Tübingen (1152–1162)

Bonadies de Bonadie
Italian priest

Hu Xian
Song dynasty person CBDB = 11872

Bernard I, Lord of Albret

Richard II of Montfaucon

Odone Fattiboni
Prélat catholique

Tiantong Zongjue
Soto Zen patriarch

Robert de Ferrers, 2nd Earl of Derby
English noble

Adelize De Rames
1100 - 1162

Oberto da Dovara
Vescovo cattolico italiano

Raoul IV of Tosny

- 1162

Judith von Schwalenberg
1108 - 1162

An Cosnmhaidh Ua Dubhda
King of Ui Fiachrach Muaidhe

Lukardis von Lauterberg

Zhou Shen
Chinese person in the Song dynasty

Bernard IV d'Anduze
Lord of Anduze, Lecques, Montpezat and Portes

Pala king

Adelheid von Brandenburg
Peerage person ID=40393

Richard de Redvers, 2nd Earl of Devon
Peerage person ID=42057

Judith von Baden
Peerage person ID=491748

Liu Yi(10)

Roman Catholic bishop

Yusuf ibn al-Sayrafi
Al-andulusian historian

Zuhr ibn Avenzoar

Bertulf II
Abbot of St. Eucharius Abbey

Ivan Rostislavich Berladnik

Vladimir Svyatoslavich