51 people found
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Matilda of Flanders
Wife of William the Conqueror and Queen consort of the Kingdom of England

Йоан Аин

Al-A'lam asy-Syantamari
����اعر أندلسي

Otto of Nordheim
Duke of Bavaria

Yusuf al-Mu'taman ibn Hud
Medieval Arab mathematician

Gaunilo of Marmoutiers
French philosopher

Otto of Nordheim
Duke of Bavaria

Ramiro Garcés, Lord of Calahorra
Navarrese noble

King of burma

Gonzalo Salvadórez
Spanish noble

Sancho Garcés
Lord of Uncastillo and Sangüesa

11th-century officer and Amir al-hajj

Zeng Gong
Chinese historian

Geoffrey Ridel, Duke of Gaeta
Italo-Norman duke

Governor of Pegu


Basil Apokapes
Byzantine general

Noble bretonne du XIe siècle

Bishop of Elmham; Bishop of Thetford; Lord Chancellor of England

Bibi Heravi
Persian poet

Ermengarde of Tonnerre
French noble

Hamon III

Oberto IV conte di Aucia

Nicodemus of Palermo
Sicilian Orthodox bishop.

Munjong of Goryeo
The king of the Goryeo dynasty of Korea

Miura Tamemichi

Wang Sik
Prince Nakrang

Ludwig I von Arnstein

Benedictine theologian and bishop

Abu Abdallah ibn Jarada

Sunjong of Goryeo
The king of the Goryeo dynasty of Korea

Poppo von Paderborn
German bishop and canon

Drogo of Bergues-Saint-Winoc

William I, Count of Nevers
French Count

Fujiwara no Tadatsuna
Fujiwara no Yorimichi's son

An-Nàssir al-Kabir al-Utruix

Adelelm of Jumièges
Abbot of Abingdon

Hugh d'Orevalle
Bishop of London

Adela of Louvain
Margravine of Meissen and of the Saxon Ostmark