34 people found
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Angelino de Oliveira

Daniel Crena de Iongh
Dutch banking official

Muriel Bristol
English phycologist, mycologist, and test subject

Artur Ferran i Albareda
Spanish photographer

Paul Gebauer
Slezský malíř

Julia Gundlachowa
Polish nurse

Hellmuth Röhnert
German manager

William Schall

Hedwig Denk
��sterreichische Kunsthandwerkerin, Textilkünstlerin und Grafikerin

Robert Allen
Canadian businessman and politician in Ontario

Charles Harry Coverdale
Recipient of the Victoria Cross

Einar Hellners

Boris Pertel
Sports shooter

Charu Chandra Biswas
Indian judge and politician

Guido Calza
Italian archaeologist

Léonce Bajart

Georges Parcheminey
French neurologist & psychoanalyst

Margot Boger

Boleslaw Gutowski
Polish physiologist

Richard Edward Edmonds Christian
Born 1888

Cynthia Dorothea Wontner

Francis Samuel Jacob Edbrooke
Titanic victim

Louisa Jessurum Oliveira
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Berthold Huller
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Friederike Pick
Prisoner in Theresienstadt Ghetto, b. 1888-04-21

Walentyna Mińska

Max Mayer Slocisty
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Alexander Elhart
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Therese Baar
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Ludwig Ankenbrand
German journalist and author

Bertold Feuermann
Holocaust victim, b. 1888-04-21

Nitra Frazer

Paul Zielinski

Czech journalist
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