17 people found
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John Brown
Scottish personal servant and favourite of Queen Victoria

Silvestro Lega
Italian painter

Otis Gibson
American missionary to and for the Chinese

France Cegnar
Slovenski pesnik, prevajalec, urednik in kritik

Lars Magnus Elfling

Viktor Stomps
Deutscher Richter und Parlamentarier

Adolf Charlemagne
Russian artist/painter

Edmund Lechmere
Member of the United Kingdom Parliament

Carl Reuleaux
German writer, lyricist and engineer

Alfred Capel-Cure
British photographer and army officer

Eugenie Kahn
Swedish composer

William Henry Havelock

Corrado Lancia di Brolo
Italian politician

Eugen Rudolph George Trowitzsch
German printer

Friedrich Siemens
German entrepreneur


Theodor Ludwig von Helmolt
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