9 people found
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Tekisui Giboku

Tiberius Cornelis Winkler
Scientist from the Northern Netherlands

Francisco Salmerón
Spanish politician

Étienne Eugène Azam
French psychiatrist and surgeon

Pierre Gaillard de Witt

Ferdinand Sommer
Zwitsers; schilder; 1822-05-28; Coburg (Duitsland); 1901-07-29; Luzern

Carlo Antonio Goldoni
A Livorno il 28 maggio 1822 da Pio Gustavo e Geltrude; a Modena il 22 ott. 1874. Il figlio Giuseppe (nato

Hermann Wehrenfennig
Austrian architect

Catherine Sarah Melissa Tebeau
28 May 1822 - 12 May 1889
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