51 people found
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Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
French prince
Gerard de Lairesse
Painter and engraver from the Northern Netherlands
Arnoldus Syen
Dutch botanist
Heinrich Brewer
German historian
Pierre de Saint-Ours Deschaillons
Antoine Coysevox
Sculptor from France
Georg Ernst von Gersdorff
Johann Jacob Döbel
German university professor
Ludwig Ludwig
Weipert Ludwig Fabricius
German judge and jurist
Jérôme de Gonnelieu
French theologian
Samuel Starr
9 Sep 1640 - uncertain 2 Feb 1687
Sven Knutsson
Swedish politician
James Stritch
Roman Catholic clergyman
Elof Terserus
Lucie Emerentia Brockdorff
11 Sep 1640 Vindeby - 30 Nov 1693 Oland Kirke
Gustaf Lohreman
Pierre Mabillion
Pierre Python
Luisa Sasin garate Aldabalde
Maria Atallo Olano
Ettore Algaria
Roman-catholic bishop
Ascanio, detto Giulio Giustinian
A Venezia il 28 sett. 1640, e fu detto Giulio per distinguerlo; prima di partire. Tutto questo costrinse il G. a prolungare
Gottlieb Balduin
Dt. ev. Theologe, Pädagoge und Liederdichter; Student in Wittenberg; 1664 Gymnasialprofessor und 1667 Prediger in Regensburg
Martha Burckhardt
Johann Adam Beza
Vesalius Mobachius
Barthold Christke
Pastor in Garz auf Rügen; 1665 Studium an der Universität in Königsberg; Sohn des Lauenburger Brauers, Provisors der Kirchen und Gerichts-Assessors Georg Christke und Anna Kitzing (beide 1649 verstorben); 1673 verheiratet mit der Witwe seines V
Caspar Kratz
Michael Hartmann
Anna di Anhalt-Bernburg
Leonor Meneses Noronha
Spanish writer
William Trail
Peerage person ID=342150
Antonio Sessa
Helena Zoege von Manteuffel
14 Sep 1640 - 10 Mar 1690 Linden i Röthels, Eesti
Date Tsunamune
Daimyo of Sendai han
Johann Jacob Schütz
German lawyer
Michael Kolmodin
23 Sep 1640 - certain 1685