180 people found
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Elizabeth of Bosnia
Queen Consort of Hungary, Croatia and Poland

Diego Pérez Sarmiento
Lord of La Bureba and Villamayor de los Montes

Otto I, Duke of Brunswick-Göttingen
Duke of Brunswick-Göttingen

Hedwig of Sagan
14th-century Polish queen consort

Guy I, Count of Ligny
Count of St. Pol and Ligny

Gui de Maillesec
Catholic cardinal

Robert Stewart, Duke of Albany
Duke of Albany

Fazlallah Astarabadi (Naimi)
Persian writer

Gruffudd ab Adda ap Dafydd
Poet and prose writer

Henryk Sorbom
Polish priest

Constance of Aragon, Queen of Sicily
Aragonese infanta

Hasdai Crescas
Spanish philosopher

Afanasy Vysotsky

Jamyang Shakya Gyaltsen
Ruler of Central of Tibet

Theodora Kantakouzene
Empress of Trebizond, consort of emperor Alexios III

Nikola Tavelić
Saint of the Catholic Church

Chou Jing
Ming dynasty politician

Claus Sluter
French artist

Niemierza Kazimierzowic
Illegitimate son of Casimir III the Great by mistress Cudka

Giacomo Fregoso
Genoese doge

Wolf von Eberstein
German nobleman

Peter II, Count of Urgell
Count of Urgell

Jean Boutillier
French jurist

Pierre de Giac, Seigneur de Giac
Abt 1340 - 1407

Simon III, Lord of Lippe
Lord of Lippe

Afonso Pires da Charneca

Lluís de Portugal
Portugisisk infant

Stephen of Perm
Russian saint

John Lyon, Lord of Glamis
Scottish politician

John I of Montaigu

Giacomo Orsini
Prélat catholique

Bonuccio Pardini
Italian architect and sculptor, active 1380-1400

Heinrich von Güntersberg

Giovanni da Bologna
Italian painter and goldsmith 1370–1390 F:0

John of Montson
Dominican theologian and controversialist

Angelo d'Anna de Sommariva

Dimitrios Chrysoloras

Ulrich von Vinstingen
- 12 Jul 1387/9 Oct 1389

Abraham Klausner
Ashkenazic rabbi from 14th century