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Fernando Alonso
uruguayischer Schriftsteller
Fernando Alonso
uruguayischer Schriftsteller
schrijfster uit Uruguay
Horacio Quiroga
Uruguayan playwright, poet, and short story writer
Eugen Relgis
Romanian academic
Fernando Torres
Uruguayan writer
Jorge Majfud
Uruguayan-American writer
Alfredo Zitarrosa
Uruguayan musician
Juan Antonio Varese
Uruguayan writer, journalist and photographer
Eduardo Galeano
Uruguayan writer and journalist
Sergio Aguiar
Uruguayan writer
Pablo Silva Olazábal
Juan Carlos Mondragón
Uruguayan writer
Jorge Arias
uruguayischer Schriftsteller und Journalist
Gustavo Franco
Uruguayan writer
Raúl Vaz Ferreira
Uruguayan zoologist and ichthyologist
Guillermo Moncecchi
Ingeniero en computación uruguayo
Paulina Medeiros
Uruguayan writer
Eduardo Duhalde
uruguayischer Schriftsteller
Eloísa García Etchegoyhen
Uruguayan writer
Carlos Vaz Ferreira
Uruguayan philosopher
José Enrique Rodó
Uruguayan writer
Manuel Pacheco
uruguayischer Schriftsteller
Mirta Toledo
schrijfster uit Uruguay (1958-)
Eduardo Cuitiño
Uruguayan writer and mathematician
Emir Rodríguez Monegal
Uruguyan scholar, biographer of Borges and Neruda, founder of Mundo Nuevo
Tamara Awerbuch-Friedlander
Biomathematician and public health scientist
Jaime Poniachik
Uruguayan publisher and mathematician
Pedro Dalton
Uruguayan musician, writer, and painter
Marcos Llemes
Uruguayan writer and novelist
Sergio López Suárez
Uruguayan writer
Mario Benedetti
Uruguayan journalist, novelist, and poet
Gonzalo Vázquez Gabor
Silvia Soler
schrijfster uit Uruguay (1962-)
Jorge Ferrer
uruguayischer Schriftsteller
Idea Vilariño
Uruguayan poet, essayist and literary critic
Aurora Cáceres
Peruvian writer
Carlos Tanco
Uruguayan comedian, announcer and writer
Adrian Patroni
Argentinian journalist
Circe Maia
Uruguayan writer