258 people found
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José F. Arias
Uruguayan politician
Ernesto Aroztegui
Uruguayan artist and professor
Miguel Soler
Uruguayan educationist
Gonzalo Vicino
Orestes Fiandra
Uruguayan physician
Alberto Rivero
Actor uruguayo
Germán Rama
Uruguayan professor and author
Fernando Peláez
Uruguayan mathematician
Víctor Cunha
Poet from Uruguay
Alberto Abdala
Vice-President of Uruguay
Washington Benavides
Uruguayan writer
Mariano Arana
Uruguayan politician and architect
Antonio Grompone
Uruguayan educator and lawyer
Gerardo Grasso
Uruguayan musician
Guillermo Fernández
Uruguayan plastic artist
Felipi Rubini
Uruguayan student, composer and pianist.
Ricardo Mañé
Uruguayan mathematician
Adolfo Garcé
Politólogo uruguayo
Carlos Pereda Failache
Manuel Tenenbaum
Uruguayan historian
Nelson Carro
Mexican film critic and researcher
Wilfredo Cardoso
Uruguayan trumpeter
Alberto Nin
uruguayen (1853-1919)
Darwin Peluffo Beisso
uruguayischer Lehrer, Dichter, Journalist und Essayist
Pedro Bustamante
Uruguayan lawyer and politician
Horacio Verzi
Uruguayan writer
Marcelo Danza
Uruguayan architect
Hugo Longa
Helios Sarthou
Uruguayan politician
Fermín Hontou
Uruguayan draughtsperson, caricaturist, professor and artist
Alfredo Corvino
Uruguayan ballet dancer
Aparicio Méndez
President of Uruguay
Alberto Pérez Pérez
Daniel Fernandez Vaga
Set decorator | Art department | Art director
Gerardo Ciancio
José María Obaldía
Omar Ostuni
Dumas Oroño
Artista plástico, gestor cultural y docente uruguayo
Pablo Bartol
Uruguayan politician
Guillermo Oliver