18 people found
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Eduardo Cuitiño
Uruguayan writer and mathematician
Jaime Poniachik
Uruguayan publisher and mathematician
José Luis Massera
Uruguayan mathematician
Gonzalo Perera
Uruguayan Mathematician
Fernando Peláez
Uruguayan mathematician
Ricardo Mañé
Uruguayan mathematician
Raul Fidel Tempone
Mario Wschebor
Uruguayan mathematician
Ernesto Mordecki
Mathematician, professor
Gabriel Paternain
Uruguayan mathematician
Gonzalo Pérez Iribarren
Juan Jorge Schäffer
Matemático uruguayo-estadounidense
Felipe Cucker
uruguayischer Mathematiker
Günter Lumer
German mathematician
Rodrigo Arocena
Uruguayan mathematician
Rafael Laguardia
Roberto Markarian
Uruguayan mathematician
Félix Cernuschi
Ingegnere, fisico, matematico e astronomo uruguaiano
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