170 people found
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Donna Haraway
American philosopher, scholar in the field of science and technology studies
Susan Sontag
American writer and filmmaker, professor, and activist
Adrian Piper
Bell hooks
American author, feminist, and social activist
Angela Davis
American political activist, scholar, and author
Mary Jean Eisenhower
American humanitarian
Martha Nussbaum
American philosopher
Debbie Reynolds
American actress, singer, and dancer
Nancy Fraser
American philosopher
Patricia Hill Collins
African-American scholar
Iris Marion Young
American philosopher
Kelly Oliver
American philosopher
Jennifer Michael Hecht
American historian, teacher and poet
Christina Hoff Sommers
American author and philosopher
Margaret Urban Walker
American philosopher
Avital Ronell
American philosopher
Diana Tietjens Meyers
American philosopher
Drucilla Cornell
American philosopher and feminist theorist
Susan Bordo
American philosopher
Nancy Hartsock
American philosopher
Susan Moller Okin
Feminist political philosopher
Susan Neiman
American academic
Barbara Johnson
American literary critic
Sandra Harding
Philosopher of feminist theory, postcolonial theory, and epistemology
Claudia Card
Silvia Federici
Italian american scholar, teacher, and feminist activist
Evelyn Fox Keller
American physicist, author and feminist
Lori Gruen
Ethicist and philosopher
Linda Martín Alcoff
American philosopher
Sandra Bartky
American philosopher
Janet Biehl
Former anarchist
Barrie Karp
American activist
Patricia Kitcher
Nancy Cartwright
American philosopher
Jean Elizabeth Hampton
American philosopher
Meera Gandhi
Meera T. Gandhi is a well-known humanitarian who divides her time between New York City, London, Mumbai and Hong Kong. She is the founder and CEO of The Giving Back Foundation.
Patricia Churchland
Canadian philosopher
Tamara Horowitz
American philosopher
Sue Spaid
American museum curator
Genevieve Vaughan
American feminist