507 people found
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Nick Mathewson
American computer scientist
Leslie Lamport
American computer scientist
Mark Russinovich
Spanish software engineer
Justin Frankel
American computer programmer
Phil Zimmermann
Creator of Pretty Good Privacy
Kelley Deal
American musician
Jim Weirich
American computer programmer
Aaron Boucher
American computer programmer
Gabe Newell
American computer programmer and businessman
Ward Cunningham
American computer programmer who developed the first wiki
Kathy Sierra
American technology writer
Davey Wreden
American video game developer
Matt Uelmen
Video game composer
Steve Yegge
American blogger
Betty Holberton
American computer programmer
Dennis Ritchie
American computer scientist
Steven Sinofsky
American businessman, former Microsoft engineer
Brendan Eich
American computer programmer and technologist
Alan Kay
Computer scientist
Sunny Singh
American filmographer, programmer and music archivist
Andrew He
American computer programmer
Coraline Ada Ehmke
Technologist, activist, and transgender feminist
Joe Ossanna
American computer programmer
Jamie Zawinski
American programmer
Bill Roper
American video game designer
Tod Frye
Computer programmer
Chris Odom
American programmer and PUA
Christian Deciga
Eleanor Krawitz Kolchin
American mathematician, computer programmer, author
Christopher Bouzy
American tech entrepreneur
Mark Pilgrim
American computer programmer
American video game developer
Alan Miller
American video game designer and programmer
Jean Bartik
American ENIAC computer programmer
Scott Forstall
American software engineer
Mark P. McCahill
American internet pioneer
Juanita Christensen
American government official and electronics engineer
Andrew Koenig (programmer)
American computer programmer
Bram Cohen
American programmer, creator of BitTorrent
Larry Wall
American computer programmer and author, creator of Perl