8 people found
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Leo D. Hermle
American lieutenant general and marine corps officer
Paul Aiken Flanders
Real estate developer and Lieutenant in the United States Navy. He developed Outlands in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
Lewis C. Rockwell
United States Army Second Lieutenant
William S. Knudsen
American executive in the automotive industry, commissioned as a lieutenant general in the U.S. Army during WWII to help direct industrial production
Field Harris
U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant general
Withers A. Burress
Lieutenant General, United States Army
J. C. Cantwell
American explorer
Franz zu Innhausen und Knyphausen
Graf aus friesischem Adelsgeschlecht; im 1. WK Offizier der "Gelben Dragoner" in Cannstatt; erbt 1924 Schloss Remseck
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