56 people found
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Richard Helms
American intelligence officer; director of the Central Intelligence Agency
W. Cleon Skousen
American former FBI agent, conservative author, and faith-based political theorist
William Colby
American intelligence agent
James William Lair
American intelligence officer
Frederick Mayer
Recipient of the purple heart medal
John E. Reid
American psychologist, and former Chicago police officer
Vernon A. Walters
American military officer and diplomat
William Francis Buckley
United States Army officer and the CIA station chief in Beirut
Cord Meyer IV
American veteran, federalist, CIA official & writer
Melvin Purvis
American law enforcement official and FBI agent
Neilson Debevoise
American historian and intelligence officer
Leo Lemuel Laughlin
American law enforcement officer, businessman, FBI Agent
Sherman Kent
American historian
Thomas G. Clines
US intelligence agent
Louis J. Russell
American intelligence officer; FBI agent and private detective
William F. Roemer, Jr.
American investigator, intelligence officer
William Harding Jackson
American spy
Herman Hollis
FBI agent
Paul F. Gaynor
American army and intelligence officer
Daniel Milton Ladd
FBI Special Agent and Assistant to the Director
Dan Smoot
American intelligence officer, FBI agent, conservative political activist
George V. Lauder
American intelligence officer
Michael Josselson
American intelligence officer and writer
Walter Sheridan
US federal investigator
Al Ulmer
American intelligence officer
John Dunning
American journalist
Henry Wells (author)
American academic
David Lowman
American inetlligence officer
Joseph Katz
American agent
Dick Linthicum
American basketball player, CIA employee
George Vujnovich
American intelligence officer; organized Operation Halyard
George A. Doole Jr.
Former CIA agent
George Joannides
CIA Agent
Clarence M. Kelley
Director of the FBI
James P. Hosty
American FBI agent
George Musulin
American intelligence officer
Theodore Lumpkin Jr.
Tuskegee airman
John F. Blake
American intelligence official
Bill Mallory (American football)
American football player
Josef Zeman
��eský protinacistický a protikomunistický odbojář, politický vězeň komunistického režimu, aktivní agent-chodec, funkcionář České strany národně socialistické