40 people found
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Joseph Priestley
English chemist, theologian, educator, and political theorist
John Adams
American politician; President of the United States from 1797 to 1801
David Hume
Scottish philosopher, economist, and historian
Thomas Paine
English and American political activist
John Wesley
Founder of the Methodist movement
Adam Smith
Scottish moral philosopher and political economist
James Burnett, Lord Monboddo
Scottish judge, scholar of language evolution and philosopher
Erasmus Darwin
English physician, botanist; member of the Lunar Society
Thomas Reid
Scottish philosopher
Richard Price
Welsh nonconformist preacher and radical
Catharine Macaulay
British historian and philosopher
George Campbell
Figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, born 1719
Jeremy Bentham
British philosopher, jurist, and social reformer
David Williams (philosopher)
Welsh philosopher of the Enlightenment period
Thomas Bayes
British mathematician
John Brown
English divine and author
Adam Ferguson
Scottish philosopher and historian
Charles Wesley
English Methodist and hymn writer
John Michell
English philosopher
Hugh Blair
British philosopher
William Paley
Christian apologist, natural theologian, utilitarian
Edward Bentham
Bentham, edward , church of england clergyman and natural philosopher
James Balfour
Scottish philosopher
Archibald Arthur
Scottish Enlightenment philosopher
David Hartley (philosopher)
British philosopher
John Anderson
Scientist, philosopher, and educator of the Scottish Enlightenment;
John Cartwright (political reformer)
English naval officer and political reformer
James Beattie (poet)
Scottish poet, moralist and philosopher
Andrew Gordon (Benedictine)
British physicist
Abraham Tucker
English philosopher
Walking Stewart
British philosopher
John Preston
Priest at English College Lisbon
Thomas Hollis (1720–1774)
English political philosopher and author
John Millar (philosopher)
Scottish philosopher, jurist and historian
Nathaniel Hulme
English physician and natural philosopher
Emanuel Mendez da Costa
English botanist
Alexander Gerard
Scottish minister, academic and philosophical writer
Thomas Morrison
English philosopher and author
Thomas Hayter
British vicar
Andrew Wilson
Scottish philosopher and medical writer
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