90 people found
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Fabrizio Carbone
Italian Swiss physicist
Rizlan Bernier-Latmani
Swiss researcher
Didier Guzzoni
Swiss computer scientist and inventor of Siri
Steve Pascolo
French immunologist, precursor of ARNm vaccine
Abdallah Chatila
Lucas Lombriser
Swiss theoretical physicist
Janine Piguet
Swiss actress
Yvonne Kranz-Baltensperger
Swiss arachnologist and entomologist
Alexandra Gavilano
André Schlüssel
Kevin Schawinski
Swiss astronomer
Christophe Lovis
Swiss astrophysicist and astronomer
Nathalie Herschdorfer
Nathalie Herschdorfer; photography curator
Markus Blocher
Swiss entrepreneur
Silvana Konermann
Swiss molecular biologist
Roy Wagner
Professor of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Solange Peters
Marco Alain Sieber
ESA career astronaut
Michael Hermann
Swiss geographer
Pascal Kaufmann
Technology entrepreneur
Manuel Sahli
Swiss politician
Andreas Christen
Daniela Domeisen
Researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-1463-929X
Carmen Capiti
German writer
Sophie G. Martin
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Swiss climate scientist
Bill Morandi
Swiss chemist
Sonja Wipf
Schweizer Klimawissenschaftlerin
Nicole Knüsel
Swiss science writer
Martin Wilhelm Callmander
Swiss botanist
Isabelle Pasquier
Swiss politician
Luc Bürgin
Swiss writer
Martin Oeggerli
Swiss photographer
Lionel Monod
Swiss scorpionologist
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Greek historian
Patrik Ferrari
Swiss mathematician and physicist
Christoph Handschin
Developmental and Neurobiologist
Edy Portmann
Swiss computer scientist
Marco Stampanoni
Swiss physicist
Martin Ackermann
Swiss microbiologist and professor at ETH Zurich