106 people found
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Pierre-Tobie Yenni
Roman-catholic bishop
Daniel Elster
German composer and choir director
Jeremias Gotthelf
Swiss novelist
Heinrich Corrodi
Born 1752; died 1793
François Gaussen
Swiss divine
Pankraz Vorster
Johann Georg Schulthess
Swiss author and theologian
Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné
Swiss historian
Markus Lutz
Swiss theologian and regional historian
César Malan
Swiss Protestant minister and hymn-writer
Jean-Bernard Kaupert
Swiss musician, choir director and composer
Friedrich Langhans
Schweizer Pfarrer und Pädagoge
Antoine Jean-Louis Galland
Swiss theologian and teacher
Abraham Emanuel Fröhlich
Swiss poet
Kaspar de Carl ab Hohenbalken
Swiss priest
Nikolaus Franz Florentini
Swiss priest
Franz Geiger
Conrad Tanner
Swiss abbot
Philipp Albert Stapfer
Swiss philosopher
Franz Joseph Stalder
Swiss theologian, germanist and linguist
Johann Melchior Mohr
Swiss politician and priest
Alexandre Vinet
Swiss theologian
Johann Georg Bossi
Swiss priest
Karl Rikli
Guillaume Favre
Geneva philologe and archaeologist
Jean-Alexandre-Guillaume Leresche
Swiss Protestant theologian
Johann Friedrich Rohner
Swiss pastor
Antoine Monastier
Andrea Rosius à Porta
Swiss military chaplain, educationist and theologian
Peter Richard
Johann Georg Holzach
Swiss parson
Placidus Ackermann
Swiss abbot
Joseph Anton Berchtold
Swiss geodesist and catholic priest
Johannes Linder
Swiss pastor
Abraham Lissignol
Swiss pastor
Henri-Louis Empaytaz
Swiss theologian
Peter-Josef de Preux
Roman-catholic bishop
Augustin-Sulpice Zen-Ruffinen
Roman-catholic bishop
Alexandre Girardet
Moritz Fabian Roten