289 people found
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Elkhan Hasanli
Azerbaijani historian
Razmig Keucheyan
Swiss docent and sociologist
Silke Langenberg
German-Swiss architect and professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Christoph Gantenbein
Rita Gautschy
Astronomer, expert in Research Data Management and director of DaSCH
Stephan Klarer
Schweizer Dirigent, Chorleiter und Musikwissenschaftler
Roy Wagner
Professor of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Tabea Steiner
Swiss Germanist, literary educator and author
Seraina Plotke
Solange Peters
Maria Antoinette Conen
Architektin und ordentliche Professorin an der ETH Zürich
Julia Richers
Swiss historian of modern age and historian of eastern europe
Isabel Koellreuter
Swiss regional historian, historian of modern age and politician
Michael Hermann
Swiss geographer
Marc Unternährer
Swiss university professor
Beat Kappeler
Swiss music educator
Christina Margrit Siever
Martino Mona
Schweizer Jurist und Hochschullehrer
Michael Jaeger
Schweizer Jazz-Musiker
Cinia Schriber
Swiss politician and researcher
Petra Schierl
Tanja Bührer
Swiss military historian
Francesca Verones
Swiss-Italian environmental engineer and processor
Gabriela Suter
Swiss politician
Andreas Christen
Laura Gantenbein
Swiss politician
Sophie G. Martin
Sonia I. Seneviratne
Swiss climate scientist
Simon Spiegel
Swiss film scholar
Marianne Sommer
Swiss cultural studies scholar
Ivan Foletti
Czech-swiss art historian and medievalist
Patti Basler
Schweizer Satirikerin
Irène Straub
Swiss music educator
Martin Wilhelm Callmander
Swiss botanist
Susanne Abbuehl
Catherine Debrunner
Swiss athlete and teacher
Silvia Berger Ziauddin
Swiss historian
Michel Roth
Swiss composer
Matthieu Mégevand
Swiss writer
Timon Beyes
Schweizer Soziologe