37 people found
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Jakob Ammann
Swiss Brethren minister from whom the Amish received their name
Francis Turretin
Swiss theologian
Johannes Zollikofer
Swiss vicar
Johann Jakob Hofmann
Swiss historian and theologian
George Gobat
French theologian
Friedrich Seyler
Swiss theologian
Johann Zwinger
Swiss theologian
Heinrich Henrich
Hans Jakob Ulrich
Augustine Reding
Swiss abbot and theologian
Johann Baptist Eiselin
Benedictine theologian, philosopher, master, and historian
Johann Heinrich Heidegger
Swiss theologian
Johann Heinrich Hottinger
Swiss theologian
Johann Kaspar Suicerus
Philologue et théologien protestant suisse
Johannes Jakob Buxtorf
Swiss Hebraist
Nikolaus Zaff
Swiss theologian
Johann Caspar Waser
Abraham Wild
8.7.1628 Schwanden (heute Gem. Glarus S
Nicolas Fiva
Swiss mathematician
David Constant
Swiss theologian and philosopher
Jacob Meyer
Vincenzo Paravicini
Johann Jakob Veith
Hans Heinrich Ott
Franz Brandenberg
Kaspar Grasse
Swiss translator and theologian
Peter Werenfels
Swiss religious servant and theologian
Johann Rudolph Rodolph
Swiss theologian
Paulus Ulmann
Swiss theologian
Johann Georg Schalch
Melchior Hurter
Hans Kaspar Suter
Johann Caspar Maurer
Johann Heinrich Frisius
Johann Jacob Lavater
Johann Jacob Ulrich
Rudolf Wirth
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