27 people found
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Mathilde Vischer
Professeure à la Faculté de traduction et d'interprétation de l'université de Genève
Antonio Rodriguez
Swiss writer and poet
Daniele Pantano
Swiss academic and poet
Isabelle Sbrissa
Hazel Brugger
Swiss slam poet and cabaret artist
André Ourednik
Swiss-czech geographer and writer
Florian Forestier
Philosophe, écrivain et poète suisse
Nora-Eugenie Gomringer
German poet
Julien Burri
Swiss writer and poet
Joël Dicker
Swiss writer
Claire Genoux
Swiss writer and poet
Anne-Sophie Subilia
Enseignante, écrivaine et poétesse suisse
Remo Zumstein
Schweizer Slam-Poet, Sprachkünstler und Kabarettist
Patti Basler
Schweizer Satirikerin
Marco Gurtner
Schweizer Slam-Poet und Musiker
Marc Carnal
Schweizer Schriftsteller
Lisa Christ
Swiss slam poet and author
Anne Emmanuelle Volterra
Tal Cohen
Anna Stern
Swiss poet
Valerio Moser
Swiss poet
Caroline Schumacher
Mathias Traxler
Swiss lyricist and poet
Sylvain Thévoz
Politician, poet, social worker in Geneva
Andreas Rongits
Suniti Mukherjee
Layla Vladi
Avant-garde artist born and raised in Germany based in California.
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