26 people found
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Germaine de Staël
Swiss author

Irina Walker
Romanian princess

Marie de Nemours
Swiss princess

Princess Nora of Liechtenstein
Princess of Liechtenstein

Archduchess Mathilde of Austria
Austro-Tuscan imperial and royal

Archduchess Margarethe, Princess of Monteleone
Austrian Imperial and Royal

Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria

Princess Henriette Reuss of Plauen
Swiss princess

Princess Nina of Greece and Denmark
Greek and Danish princess

Franziska Romana von Hallwyl
Swiss nobility

Elisabeth von Matsch
Last countess of the Swiss noble House of Toggenburg and wife of Friedrich VII, count of Toggenburg

Yolande Louise of Savoy
Duchess of Savoy

Louise Elisabeth de Meuron
Swiss aristocrat

Suzanne Curchod
French-Swiss salonist and writer

Benedikta von Bechburg
Fürstäbtissin des Fraumünsterklosters in Zürich

Duchess Sophie of Prussia
Duchess consort of Courland

Anna Maria Rüttimann-Meyer von Schauensee
Swiss salon-holder

Elisabeth von Weissenburg
Fürstäbtissin des Fraumünsterklosters in Zürich

Beatrix von Wolhusen
Fürstäbtissin des Fraumünsterklosters in Zürich

Hélène de Gingins
Swiss salon-holder

Luise von Douglas

Marthe de Blonay
Swiss baroness

Catherine de Charriere de Severy
Vaudois aristocrat

Maria Apollonia Pedrazzini
Swiss aristocrat

Alexandra Bally

Matilda de Cuiseaux
Countess of Genève
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