43 people found
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Paul Dirac
Theoretical physicist
Armand Borel
Swiss mathematician
Hugo Hadwiger
Swiss cryptographer
Heinz Huber
Swiss mathematician
Ernst Kaiser
Swiss mathematician
Kurt Strebel
Swiss mathematician
Werner Liniger
Swiss mathematician
Jürgen Moser
Max Steck
German mathematician and historian of mathematics
Edgar Ascher
Schweizer Physiker, Kristallograph, Mineraloge und Forscher
Ernst Stueckelberg
Swiss mathematician and physicist
Eduard Batschelet
Peter Henrici (mathematician)
Swiss mathematician
Michel Kervaire
French mathematician
Johann Jakob Burckhardt
Swiss mathematician and historian of mathematics
Marcel J. E. Golay
Swiss-American mathematician
Heinz Rutishauser
Mathematician and computer scientist
Edward Kofler
Polish Mathematicians, Fuzzy Logic, Econometrics, Lwów, Brzeżany, Game Theory
Georges de Rham
Swiss mathematician
Walter Gautschi
Swiss-American mathematician
Joachim Otto Fleckenstein
Mathematician and historian of mathematics
Anton Meli
Schweizer Statistiker
Hans Heinrich Keller
Dr. phil. Universität Zürich 1950
Edgar Gretener
Swiss cryptographer
Eduard Stiefel
Swiss mathematician
Werner Gysin
Swiss mathematician
Hans Künzi
Swiss mathematician and politician
Beno Eckmann
Swiss mathematician
Alexander Israël Wittenberg
Swiss mathematician
Julius Richard Büchi
Swiss mathematician
Ernst Specker
Swiss mathematician
Jean-Blaise Grize
Swiss mathematician (1922-2013)
János Árvay
Karl Kaufmann
Swiss mathematician
Werner Hildbert Greub
Swiss mathematician
David Speiser
Swiss mathematician and physicist
Albert Pfluger
Swiss mathematician
Oswald Wyler
Swiss-American mathematician
Ernst Zwinggi
Swiss actuarial scientist
Hans Loeffel
Dr. math. ETH Zürich 1956