66 people found
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Helen Keller
Swiss jurist
Carla Del Ponte
International jurist
Astrid Epiney
Swiss jurist
Patricia Bopp
Evelyne Schmid
Swiss jurist
Sibel Arslan
Swiss jurist and politician
Vera Rottenberg Liatowitsch
Swiss jurist
Iris von Roten
Swiss noble and writer
Barbara Lischetti
Former head of the Department for Equality of Men and Women at the University of Bern, Switzerland
Laura Melusine Baudenbacher
Schweizer Juristin
Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht
Danielle Bridel
Swiss jurist
Christine Kaufmann
Swiss jurist
Rita Christen
Swiss mountain guide and lawyer
Alice Meyer
Laura Zimmermann
Swiss political activist
Marianne Ryter
Swiss jurist
Margrit Schlatter
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
Swiss legal scholar, contributing editor and lawyer
Anne Challandes
Swiss jurist
Monika Roth
Swiss jurist
Mariangela Wallimann-Bornatico
Swiss jurist
Nathalie Voser
Swiss jurist
Nadja Braun Binder
Professor of public law
Franca Contratto
Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf
Schweizer Rechtswissenschaftlerin
Alexandra Jungo
Gabriela Riemer-Kafka
Schweizer Juristin
Eva Maria Belser
Anna Petrig
Valentine Lenoir-Degoumois
Swiss jurist
Nicoletta della Valle
Swiss jurist
Andrea Opel
Swiss jurist
Maryse Pradervand-Kernen
Corina Casanova
Swiss politician
Michelle Cottier
Schweizer Rechtswissenschaftlerin
Lina Stadlin
Swiss jurist and editor
Salome Zimmermann
Nelly Michaelsen-Hofer
Swiss jurist
Martina Caroni
Swiss jurist