110 people found
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Martyn Parker
Chairman, Global Partnerships - Swiss Reinsurance Company
Agostino Galvagni
Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Solutions - Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Benedikt Weibel
Swiss manager
Henri Carlier
Maurizio Tamagnini
Chairman of the Supervisory Board - STMicroelectronics International N.V., Swiss Branch
Räto Melcher
Chairman of the FIS Alpine Committee 1979 to 1994
Christof Fankhauser
Georges Allenbach
Swiss business executive
Georges Schonenberger
Music publisher
Eduard Weber
Swiss business executive and postal functionary
August A. Fischer
Swiss manager
Mario Corti
Swiss manager
Peter Janes
Lukas Straumann
Historian, Author, and Indigenous Rights Campaigner
Laurent Potdevin
US Retail Executive
Roland Diggelmann
CEO of Smith & Nephew
Paul Kaspar Helbling
Leonhard Scheuch
Swiss publisher
Rolf Meyer
Swiss business executive
Walter Thuring
Person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection
Friedrich Schneeberger
Swiss composer, voice teacher and music publisher
Daniel C. Wagniere
Swiss business executive
Tobias Trevisan
Swiss business executive
Joos Sutter
Swiss business executive
Martin Zellweger
Swiss insurance executive
Beat Kaufmann
Swiss business executive
Armin M. Kessler
American-Swiss business executive
Alex Krauer
Swiss business executive
Armin Meyer
Swiss engineer and business executive
Ueli Roost
Swiss business executive
Bruno Pfister
Swiss insurance executive
Heini Lippuner
Swiss business executive
Hansueli Loosli
Swiss business executive
Hannes Goetz
Swiss chemist and business executive
Ulrich Geissmann
Swiss business executive
Patrick Frost
Swiss insurance executive
Felix Graf
Swiss newspaper manager
Willy Kissling
Swiss business executive
Hans Peter Ming
Swiss business executive
Urs Schaeppi
Swiss business executive