42 people found
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Johann Jakob Speiser
Swiss author and politician
Leonhard Widmer
Swiss author
Heinrich Lang
Michael Kuoni
Johann Andreas von Sprecher von Bernegg
Theodor Meyer-Merian
Peter Joseph Ruppen
Swiss author
Theodor Gsell-Fels
Swiss art historian and author
Balthasar Hunold
Swiss author
Samuel Zopfy
Swiss author
Johann Jakob Bäbler
August Bernoulli
Swiss historian
Carl Schauenberg-Ott
Swiss author
Eduard Attenhofer
Hermann von Liebenau
Louis Rosenthal
German mining engineer and writer
Giovanni Arcioni
Josef Leopold Brandstetter
Swiss author
Wilhelm Theodor Streuber
Swiss journalist, regional historian, author, theologian and classical philologist
Jakob Bächtold
Swiss author
Johann Jacob Honegger
Swiss cultural historian, literary historian and author
Hans von Matt
Swiss author
Friedrich Mann
Rudolph Oskar Ziegler
Swiss author and physician
Johann Andreas von Sprecher von Bernegg
Schweizer Hauslehrer, Offizier, Schriftsteller
Jakob Wartmann
Schweizer Pädagoge und Botaniker
Martin Kothing
Schweizer Jurist
Carl von Fischer-Ooster
Johannes Strickler
Swiss author and archivist
Abraham Roth
Swiss author and journalist
Heinrich Kurz
German literary historian, author and translator
Henri Heyer
Robert Dorer
Swiss sculptor and author
Antonio Caccia der Ältere
Swiss author
Heinrich Bosshard
Swiss author
David Espenett
Heinrich Dübi
Swiss author
Antonio Caccia der Jüngere
Swiss author
Bernhard Wyss
Swiss author
Leo Lucian Roten
Swiss politician, journalist and author