128 people found
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Isabelle Eberhardt
Swiss-French explorer and author
Anni Reiner
German nurse helper and author
Emil Balmer
15.2.1890 Laupen, 6.2.1966 Bern, ref., von Laupen. Sohn des Abraham Friedrich. Ledig. Nach dem Besuch der Handelsschule in Neuenburg Beamter in Bern, erst in der Postverwaltung, dann im Bundesarchiv. B. begann um 1920 berndt. Erz
Robert Faesi
Writer and academic
Karl Wilczynski
German journalist and author
Jakob Vetsch-Hübscher
Swiss author
Roman Boos
Swiss author
Mentona Moser
German author
Caecilie von Rodt
Swiss author and photographer
Damian Buck
Swiss monk and teacher
Anthony Huonder
Swiss theologian and author
Charles Reinert
Maurice Ascher
Werner Zimmermann
Swiss author
Josef Roos
Swiss writer
Theodor Schweizer
Schweizer autodidaktischer Archäologe und Autor
Maria Naepflin
Swiss author
Cyprien Ruffieux
Swiss arpetan author (1859-1940)
Siegfried Lang
Swiss author, translator and librarian
August Steiger
Swiss linguist and teacher
Paul Salvisberg
Swiss art historian, author and publisher
Johanna Meyer
Swiss author and translator
Erwin Voellmy
Swiss chess player
Max Gerwig
Swiss author
Berta Rosin
Swiss author
Balser Puorger
Swiss author
Max Kully
Joseph Yerly
Franco-provençal author of Switzerland
Albert Streich
Swiss author
Grete Hess
Wolfgang Hartmann
Lina Schips-Lienert
Hadwig von Arx
Isidor Landau
Kurt Guggenheim
Swiss writer
Karl Hager
Swiss priest and author
N. O. Scarpi
Translator, writer, director
Albert Minder
Swiss author
Alfred Graber
Swiss author
Otto Mittler
Swiss regional historian and author