240 people found
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Aleksandr Sheynin
Gabyshev Lev
Yakut Soviet writer, translator, first Yakut screenwriter
Mark Azov
Russian playwright, poet, screenwriter, satirist, actor, prosaist
Aleksandr Gladkov
Soviet playwright and screenwriter
Alexander Galich (writer)
Soviet musician and writer
Leonid Rakhmanov
Soviet writer, playwright and screenwriter
Ishmulla Dilmukhametov
Soviet composer and playwright
Boris Golubovsky
Russian playwright
Boris Voytekhov
Soviet writer, journalist, playwright, screenwriter
Nazhib Asanbayev
��ашкирський прозаїк, поет і драматург
Server Jetere
Jefim Nikitin
Azat Shaginyan
Armenian writer
Yuri German
Soviet writer, screenwriter, playwright, and journalist
Georgy Zubkov
Soviet and Russian journalist
Nikolay Terentyev
Russian actor
Aleksey Balakayev
Russian poet
Ivan Lukovsky
Soviet screenwriter and playwright
Alexander Andreevich Kopkov
Russian-Soviet writer,playwright
Vladimir Sutyrin
Russian actor, writer and literary critic
Alexander Vvedensky
Russian poet with formidable influence on "unofficial" and avant-garde art during and after the times of the Soviet Union
Nathan Alterman
Israeli poet
Viktoras Golovčineris
Belarusian actor
Mailen Konstantinovski
Russian children's writer and dramatist, popular science writer
Mark Kolosov
Joseph Moiseevich Gorodetsky
Soviet cameraman, journalist and playwright
Vladimir Bogomolov
Namzhil Baldano
Russian writer
Dmitry Smolich
Soviet Russian dramaturge
Dmitry Kholendro
Soviet screenwriter
Yaroslav Rodionov
Russian songwriter, playwright, translator
Mehdi Huseyn
Leo Kvīns
Soviet writer and journalist
Ibragim Abdullin
Russian poet
Vladlen Bakhnov
Soviet poet, journalist, playwright, screenwriter
Nabi Khazri
Azerbaijani writer and poet
Jonas Marcinkevičius
Golota Petr Ivanovich
Ukrainian poet, prose writer, journalist and painter
Sjoelem Soedit
Sovjet dichter (1904-1997)
Riza Ishmurat
��атарский драматургы, режиссёр, переводчик, публицист, мемуарист, прозаик